5 Daily Steps Towards Your Goals

When it comes to our goals, it is important to establish  a daily action plan. Having a daily action plan allows you to build momentum towards your goals and keep you from being stagnant. 

If you are having issues with dealing with procrastination, then at least consider utilizing a strategy of at least taking 1 small action step daily even if it is not much. 

Doing at least one small thing a day is better than not doing anything at all and at least it will help you get one step closer towards your goals. For more information on how to deal with procrastination, click here.

Being intentional towards your goals are important also. You have to intentionally plan ahead and make it a priority to implement your action plans into your schedule daily.  

If you cannot dedicate a full day towards your goals on a daily basis, then consider how you can implement at least 2 hours per day. 

If 2 hours a day seems impossible to implement towards your goals, consider if you can at least find 30 min segments throughout the day that you can implement on a daily basis.

If not having enough time throughout the day seems impossible, consider possible time wasters that you may have throughout the day. 

For example, are there useless conversations you may spend with friends or family that you can eliminate at least temporarily? How much time are you spending watching tv or Netflix etc.? How much time do you spend on social media? 

If you have not analyzed and  factored in how you are spending your time throughout your day, then  download this free time analyzer to help  keep track of your daily activity. This tracker will allow you to see how much time you may utilize on time wasters and how you can eliminate them throughout the day so you can apply that time towards your goals. 

Another practical action that you can take towards gaining more time throughout the day towards your goals would be to wake up an hour earlier and an hour later. 

When all else fails and for some reason you do not feel motivated towards your goals, then your vision of your dreams may not be big enough. For more information on this topic click here.

Outside of the practical steps mentioned that you can implement towards your goals, I will next identify 5 steps you can take on a daily basis towards your goals.

Get Your Free Daily Track

Analyze your daily tasks to help determine how much time you are spending on daily activities. This tracker will help you find more time and eliminate non productive activities that can be allocated to be used towards your goals.


Spiritual Practice, Meditation, and Focus Towards Your Goals

I personally consider myself to be a very spiritual person and I do believe it is very important to pray and have gratitude towards your goals and thank God in advance for the fulfillment of your goals to come. This can be done through simple prayers, gratitude statements, affirmations, positive quotes, and scriptures etc.

Meditation is also important as it helps to allow your mind to be clear

of any negative thoughts and can allow you to be in a quiet space where you can visualize and see yourself in the fulfillment of your goals. The key is to become the new you.


Personal Development

It is important to always work on developing yourself for the better as well as learning more in regards to whatever your goal may be. Seeking knowledge with the intent of learning and growing should always be a key factor towards personal development.


Learn Something New Daily

As part of your personal development, what can you learn new that compliments your goal? What can you learn that will help you get closer towards your goals? There may be simple practical things you can do to contribute to your daily learning. For example, you can purchase a course that will help you learn practical steps in a subject, you can watch simple You Tube videos, read books, blogs, or articles,  or listen to podcasts, and so much more.


Implement What You Learn

It is important to implement daily what you learn. Learning is great but do not get caught up with learning too much to the point of information overload with no implementation. So while learning, make it a habit to takes actions  towards what you are learning towards your goals. Be mindful that knowledge without  implementation is useless.


Connect With Others

Whatever your goals may be, connect with others in order to grow towards your  goals. Is  there a coach or mentor that you can reach out to in order to help you towards your goals, if so reach out to seek advice and guidance. Are there others that may inspire you that you may follow? Seek out their personal life story to learn how they have accomplished the goals that you are trying to accomplish. Not only is it inspiring, but you may find their journey you may relate to as well. This practice will also stay connected and focused towards your goals.

These are some simple daily tasks that you can generally implement into your daily routine towards any type of goal that you have. 

Keep in mind, none of these tasks will be effective unless your goals are big enough for you to stay motivated and that you do these things consistently for at least 21 days which can help develop a habit.

If you are seeking guidance on setting goals, consider a discovery session.