How To Create An Online Business Plan

When it comes to creating your online business, it is important to establish an effective online business plan. Having an online business plan is important and can serve as the foundation of your online business.


Having effective goals and an online business plan and strategy is essential in order for you to map out a plan for your future in your online business.

When creating your online business plan, it is important to create a roadmap that will accomplish initially these 2 things:

Online Businss Plan

“Learning is forging new connections. Every time you learn something new, your brain physically changes."

Joe Dispenza

Online Business Plan
Online Business
Online Business Plan

1. It’s going to be specific enough to help you define what needs to be done over the next year, two years, or even 3-5 years.

2. It’s going to be open-ended enough to help you make adjustments no one could have accounted for earlier on.

General Guidelines

For Online Business Plan

Be Specific

It is important to implement a specific action plan that will help you pinpoint your goals for your online business in the future. Having a timeline is important in order to establish your tasks in the correct order as well as a realistic timeframe. 

The benefit of creating a specific action plan helps you to have a specific target goal in mind where you can be laser focused on each task for your online business.

Prepare For Future Adjustments

When creating a specific action plan, you may set up future plans and timelines but be prepared if you need to make changes along the way. Understand that there may be unforeseen circumstances that can take place so it is important to be aware and open to making necessary adjustments in your timeline as well as your online business plan as you go.

Creating Your Online Business Plan

Keep in mind that when creating your online business plan you are basically creating a simple outline. It is not expected that the outline will  have in depth details but for the most part a general description of what needs to be done. There are other tools that you can use to implement in order to go into detail for each step. The overall goal with an online business outline is to have something that define a few simple starts as a guide.

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The Basics For Your Online Business Outline:

Executive Summary

This element is going to summarize the plan as a whole.

Market Analysis

Research your industry. This should include your marketing and your competitors.

Company Description

 With this, you’re going to not only focus on what your company is going to do, but how your company is different from similar entities.


This is going to come down to discovering the optimal organization and management structures for your company.

Service/Product Line

This is going to describe your product or products. What are the benefits? How about the lifecycle?


Sales strategies and marketing plans are going to be discussed at this point


How much are you going to need? How is the money going to be spent? Transparency is key in this arena.

Financial Projections

If you do need funding, projections are going to be important.


 Resumes, permits, and leases are just a few things one would include in an appendix, if this needs to be part of your business plan.

This is an example of a general online business plan outline but keep in mind depending on your business and industry, not all of the topics may apply.

If you are looking for information on how to create an online business around your passion, click here for more information.

If you need help with putting together your online business plan and you are looking to skyrocket your business, then check out my coaching program below.

In this blog post, learn the basic guidelines on how to create an online business plan.
In this blog post, learn the basic guidelines on how to create an online business plan.