Having A Big Enough Reason Towards Your Goals

When you break down and really sit and discover and define what goals you want to work towards, you need to find a way to to help keep you motivated in order to ultimately achieve your goals. 

The first thing that you can do is to really sit down and reflect and ask yourself, what are your core values and principles in life as well as who and what do you care about the most? It is best to write down a list of these things and break them down into different categories.

For example, what and who do you care about the most and why? Is it your family, your finances, your lifestyle, your health etc.? You also want to consider how your gift will help others and ultimately how would your gifts impact the world etc. 

Once you break down each of these categories and create a list of what matters most to you, then journal about how achieving your goals can connect with those core values etc. This process is a great way of connecting your true values and your vision together to help formulate your true reason why it is important for you to achieve your goals. 

Once you have a deeper understanding of your why, that is truly when you will have the fire and the desire to persevere because you have a clear and big enough reason why you should go full speed towards your goals.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. "

Mark Twain

It is important to be aware of obstacles. When challenges arise on a daily basis such as distractions, failures, disappointments, fatigue, and feeling defeated etc., focus on the bigger picture why you are working towards your goals. Once you focused on your ultimate why, that is when you will gain the momentum to keep you inspired to keep going and to be more motivated to keep pushing no matter what.

If you want to learn more on how to eliminate distractions, click here.

Below I will list some of the top reasons that will help you define your big reason towards your goals.


Understand Your Why

In order to understand your why, after formulating the exercise mentioned above as to breaking down your core values, it is important to also understand your true purpose. When it comes to determining your true purpose, it is important to understand who you truly are at the core or in other words, Know Thyself. Once you truly awaken to that concept, that is when you discover what you were born to do with your God given talents.

If you are struggling with determining your purpose, some questions you might want to ponder on is: 

What does purpose mean to me?

What motivates me to make a difference?


Stay Focused On Your Vision

It is imperative that you stay focused on the big picture. When times get hard and distractions come, and trust me, unfortunately it will happen, if so, then having a motivational toolbox up your sleeve when needed will be beneficial for you. For more information on how to stay motivated and effective tools you can use to help stay motivated, check out my blog post here.

You also want to create a vision board where your goals are in front of you daily. Having a vision board is a great way to have positive reminders about your goals in order to help keep you motivated. A vision board can consist of not only photos of your representation of your goals, but can also consist of positive and inspiring quotes and scriptures etc. On more information on how to create an effective vision board where your goals will become your reality, click below.

Having constant reminders around you to keep your goals in front of you on a daily basis is ultimately a great way of staying connected to your why.


Have An Accountability Partner

It is imperative that you stay focused on the big picture. When times get hard and distractions come, and trust me, unfortunately it will happen, it is important to have a motivational toolbox up your sleeve.

You also want to create a vision board where your goals are in front of you daily. Having a vision board is a great way to have positive reminders about your goals in order to help keep you motivated. A vision board can consist of not only photos of your representation of your goals, but can also consist of positive and inspiring quotes and scriptures etc.

Having constant reminders around you to keep your goals in front of you on a daily basis is ultimately a great way of staying connected to your why.

It is also important that you seek out like minded people who are also goal oriented and have your best interest at heart. You might want to really sit down and analyze and really be strategic in regards to who you should choose as your accountability partner.

For example, you want to choose someone who is honest to you and will tell you the truth, not obviously from a pessimistic or a narcissistic person whose truth may be distorted, but from someone who is not biased and someone who you truly trust their opinion personally and professionally.

It is important to also be aware of people who are too familiar with you such as family or friends. When you choose someone who is too familiar and is close to you, that may hinder their honest opinion that you are seeking considering they may not want to hurt your feelings so keep that in mind.

Someone who is too familiar with you may also have a distorted view point of you possibly because of your past or not recognizing the new person you are becoming.

Unfortunately, in this case, people who are familiar with you may doubt you for example, so sometimes it can be best to seek out people that can give you a different perspectives based off of who you are now and the future you.


Be Happy

No matter what you do, find a way to be happy. This is an important factor when it comes to achieving your goals and staying connected to the big reason why you stay motivated. 

Keeping your mind on positive thoughts is the upmost important steps to staying happy. This can be accomplished by doing simple techniques such as focusing on what you do want, scriptures that keep you motivated, mediation to keep your mind clear of negative thoughts, journaling, and writing and stating affirmations.



When it comes to meditation, it is a great way of clearing your mind of not only negative thoughts, but it can help you eliminate stress by not focusing on time. We tend to get caught up with focusing on the past. For example, if there was a negative event that occurred in the past, we may tend to focus on it as a reminder which is not good. Focusing on what happened negatively in the past is a disservice to us and never makes us feel good in the present moment. This feeling keeps us in a negative space where negative emotions happen such as regret, feeling defeated, depressed, embarrassed, and so on. 

When focusing on negativity in the future, it may cause fear which is a dangerous emotion to have. 

What we think about, we bring about. In other words, What a man thinketh, so is he.

For example, we may have fear due to uncertainty of what to come in the future.

So when focusing on time in a negative manner in terms of past and future negatively, it causes you to have negative emotions. Focusing on negative emotions can lead to disease.

I would recommend you check out Heal Your Body by Louise Hays for more information on how negative emotions affects our health.

When we use time to our advantage and focus on the now or the current moment with thoughts of what we do want, this becomes a huge role to play when it comes to having an effective meditation session.

Meditation will not only clear your mind, but it can also clear your mind to the point of no thought of the past or future, just the current moment which is the ultimate goal.


See Yourself Towards Your Goals

Understand that your mind is so powerful and when you use your imagination to your advantage, the possibilities are endless.

You can use meditation to also focus on what you do want and set the foundation of using your faith to sit and think of nothing but your goals and seeing yourself in the moment in your minds eye achieving it.

When your mind is clear of negative thoughts and you focus on your goals, this is a time where you can be in the state of happiness even if you are surrounded in a world of negativity. If you keep up this practice on a daily basis, before long, with your full feeling of faith, your happy thoughts and desires will become your reality. 

Having those positive glimpses of your internal reality will definitely fuel you for the motivation you need towards your goals.

Looking for ways to keep you more motivated? Check out how you can take advantage of free tools that you can use to help keep you motivated towards your goals. Click here for your free tools on how to stay motivated.

How To Have A Big Enough Reason Why