How To Set Goals For 2023

When it comes to setting goals, it is important to consider how to effectively set them. There are many different types of goals that you may have that you want to set up in different areas of your life. 

For example, you may have goals that you want to set for your business, relationship, family, finances, and health etc. 

The first step is to identify a goal and map out a plan in order  for you to plan for it to be effective.

Of course, when it comes to setting goals it is important to be mindful of the fact that there may be many sacrifices that you will have to make in order to achieve them. A failure of sacrificing and a lack of planning ahead in most cases is the reason why most people never achieve their goals.

The idea of being able to set effective goals is to set your goals intentionally with direct daily focus, to have a healthy level of self love, and a healthy level of selfishness in order for you to achieve your goals etc.

In this blog post, you will learn how to categorize your goals once you have determined your short and long term goals, as well as the sacrifices that you may have to make and who in your life it will affect.

Focus On One Goal At A Time

When it comes to goal setting, it is best to focus on one goal at a time. You may have so many personal goals that you want to accomplish so it is best to organize your goals and focus on them based on the level of importance for each of them.

Setting one goal at a time will help you stay focused on that one particular goal where you can put all of your attention to that goal or project etc. If you try to focus on multiple goals at a time, it may take a lot longer for you  to achieve anything or it may take a lot longer.

Smart Goals

Before you write out your goals, you want to use the SMART formula. 

Specific- Be As Specific as possible down the detail as far as what you want to achieve.

M- It is important to make your goals measurable where you can see if you are progressing towards your goal or not.

A- You want to ask yourself is your goal achievable?

R- Is your goal realistic? 

T- Make sure you are able to set a specific timeframe to set your goal 

For more information on SMART goals, click here.

Short & Long Term Goals

As you start accomplishing your goals one at a time, it is best to establish and categorize which goals are considered to be short or long term.


It is important to write out your goals once you have determined your short and long term goals by using the SMART formula. There is value in journaling.

Important & Urgent Goals

It is important to identify which goals are the most important that you need to start with and focus on. When you are being intentional with your goals, it is important that you set them up in order of importance. Things that have to be completed in advance in order to accomplish the future goals have to be strategically considered. So consider all of the things that you have to do first in order to either get started or to move forward when executing your goals.

Important, But Not Urgent

This category will help you to achieve your primary personal and professional goals that are most important in your life. It is important to focus on these goals in a timely manner and focus on unforeseen issues that may arise in order to avoid these tasks becoming urgent.

Not Important, But Urgent

These tasks that may be tied to your goals may be the tasks that most people may procrastinate with. You may want to consider how to schedule these tasks as well as if these tasks can be delegated to a virtual assistant. For more information on the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant, click here.

It is also important to establish boundaries in order for you to stay focused. 

Not Important, Not Urgent

These tasks may be a lot of busy work that can overall be delegated or pushed in the category of future goals. This may be the case when you have to stay focused on your urgent tasks. In this category, it could be many things or people that may be distracting you. Learning to say no to others and openly communicate if necessary is key when trying to achieve your goals.

When it comes to self care, there will be boundaries that you will have to set in order for you to become the person you want to be that has achieved their goals. You may understand that there may be some sacrifices that you will have to ultimately take in order to achieve your goals.

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I Win- You Lose

These are goals that will only be beneficial to yourself but may not be beneficial for others. This may be the type of approach that is at the highest level of sacrifice. Many people with families for example may feel the guilt and the struggle in this category.

For example, a career mom or dad may struggle in this area due to accomplishing their goals by achieving their dream career but the tradeoff is less time with their family and friends etc.

The best thing to do in this category if you have a goal where there will be loss associated with others or other things or situations if you achieve this goal, you may want to consider if the goal is worth it or not and really weigh out all of the pros and cons etc.

You Win, I Lose

This category is considered to be the individuals that may struggle with self love, self care, confidence, and the inability to establish boundaries. Having the ability to say no in a healthy way is key in order to avoid being at loss in this category is important when it comes to accomplishing your goals.

You Lose, I Lose

This is the category where an individual can sabotage their goals which normally results to being around the wrong people that may not be like minded. When it comes to your goals, if there are others around you that do not motivate you and influence you away from your goals, then you should consider disconnecting from them. Being around others that could be a negative influence can be detrimental when it comes to your goals and ultimately noone ends in this case.

You Win, I Win

This is the ultimate category that you want to be in when it comes to accomplishing your goals because everyone would benefit in this case. This may result with being around like minded people, goal oriented people, those who are supportive of you and people who also hold you accountable for your goals etc. If you achieve this category, it represents a level of balance.

Overall, it is important this year when setting your goals to create a solid plan with the tips I mentioned and make sure you break your goals down year, month, week, and days. For more information on how to set short and long term goals, click here.