How To Shift Your Mindset

When it comes to shifting your mindset, it is important to get into the practice of being aware of your predominant thoughts. The thoughts you continually think about has an effect on how you perceive and experience things physically and emotionally.

How To Shift Your MIndset

When trying to shift your mindset, think about your current situation of what you do and do not want and then try to write down your thoughts about them.

Are there more positive than negative thoughts? Compare the two. For the negative thoughts, rewrite how you can change those thoughts with less resistance into more positive thoughts.

Try to get out of the habit of thinking and stating what you cannot do. Instead shift your way of thinking into a how to mentality. Instead of saying I cannot do something, it should instead be replaced with how can I do something no matter what it is.

Any excuses or negative thoughts that you may have towards your goals, replace them with “what ifs”.

For example, instead of saying I am afraid of failing, ask yourself, but what if I succeed? Ponder on changing your thoughts from lack to abundance and possibilities.

For example, let’s say you have this negative thought: “I cannot see any way of being able to start my own business.”

Whatever your negative thoughts are, think about why you believe those things?

In this dialogue below, this is an Q&A session used as an example:

Q: Why do you believe that you cannot start a successful business?

A: I have no knowledge or experience.

Q: Have you ever considered that most millionaires may have been in your exact shoes and thought the same way, yet it did not matter and now they make millions from their business?

A: That's true

Q: Maybe they sought after a mentor, learned the skills they needed, hired someone smarter than them, have you considered doing those things?

A: No

Q: Can you see yourself doing those things?

A: I do not have the funds nor the time

Q: Have you followed others who may have been in the same shoes that you are in and became successful?

A: Never thought about it

Q: Wouldn’t it be worth looking up free resources online or books and reading about other people's stories you can relate to? You can do that can’t you for inspiration?

A: Absolutely

The point of this example and dialogue is to show how some thought provoking questions can help change someone’s line of thinking from a stuck point of view of not being able to do something to a more open perspective towards opportunities.

For more information on how to shift your mindset, check out my latest course on The Power of Affirmations.

In this blog post, learn how to shift your mindset with simple, quick, and effective tips.