Commitment Strategies

Commitment is a very important strategy to use when it comes to achieving goals and building an online business. Having a strong level of commitment is essential when it comes to achieving your goals. It will take a lot of energy and work when it comes to committing to working towards your online business goals.

In order to achieve conquering the ability to become and stay committed towards your goals, it is important to have an understanding of any commitment issues that you may have. 

Is there something that you may feel you may be missing out on when trying to commit towards your goals? If so, analyze that and determine what are your top priorities in your life .

Understanding your priorities is a great way of understanding what is important in your life. This will also help you to see things in a clear perspective and will help you prioritize in order of importance of what your commitments need to be.

If you find that some of the things that you feel that you are missing out on are not important towards your goals such as watching Netflix or hanging out with friends, then you need to evaluate your true reason why you are trying to achieve your goals and eliminate any time wasters etc.

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How To Set Goals
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Normally, when there are distracting things that get in our way when it comes to making a commitment towards our goals, this may be linked to why we may procrastinate at times. In my previous blog post, I wrote about how to avoid distractions that you can check out here.

Commitment issues also can link to not having a strong reason “why “ you are focused towards your goals. This can be the case in all areas of life not just for our online business but can apply to relationships and personal issues in life as well. 

When you have defined a strong reason “why” you are trying to achieve your goals, then that is the foundation needed to keep you focused and motivated. For more information on how to understand and identify your “WHY”, click here.

Keep in mind that there may be other deeper issues that may keep a person from staying committed towards their goals. It could be lack of confidence, lack of knowledge and/or guidance, lack of support, state of people bondage (worried about other opinions) , lack of time, and negative influences etc.

Whatever a person may be dealing with that keeps them from commitment towards their goals, it could cause them to feel stuck in life.  If so, seeking professional help on a deeper level may be helpful such as a counselor etc.

If you are seeking more help with guidance to help you stay committed towards your goals, then you may want to  consider seeking a coach, mentor, or a spiritual advisor etc. 

Having a strong support system is key and surround yourself with only positive people and eliminate any negative people or naysayers around you and keep your goals to yourself unless it is someone that you trust.

Also take inventory of your previous life commitments and analyze the pros and cons. What did you learn from previous failed commitments and how can you plan to improve? Also, with previous successful commitments, what was different from the failed commitments and how can you duplicate those wins into the future towards your future goals?

Get into the habit of being strategic with planning ahead and creating backup plans when things do not go as planned. Planning ahead and crating a success goal plan is key.

Time Saving Hacks For Your Online Business

Also keep in mind when it comes to commitment towards our goals, we should also look at our lives from a holistic point of view. It is important that we are getting enough sleep on a daily basis, have a healthy diet, and being in the right state of mind mentally , and making sure we are working towards a healthy physical routine as well. When we are in the right state of mind, it helps us to think clearly and operate in a more positive state.

If you are looking for a strategic way to plan your goals, consider booking a coaching session below.